Introduction to my Economics Page

Paul Stivers, 10/8/2024

How I came to write these articles

I've been a serious student of macroeconomics and personal finance for the past several years. In conversations with close friends from both the political left and right, I've found myself coming back to a couple of themes. I've decided to capture these as articles.

My Schools of Thought

Laissez-faire 1 - I believe that government should mostly not interfere with the economy.

Keynesian 1 - I support Keynesian economics in the limited case of potential government intervention during economic crisis.

Book References

Basic Economics, Thomas Sowell

Knowledge and Decisions, Thomas Sowell

Capitalism and Freedom, Milton Friedman

Central Banking 101, Joseph Wang

On Sources

It is becoming increasingly difficult to reference data or information from specific online articles. There are a few reasons. One, many articles are paywalled. Two, statistical data is almost always biased to support the platform of one political party or the other. Three, the information of interest may be a small part of the article and wrapped in a lot of convoluted, misleading information. Instead I will sometimes reference a question to be asked of Google (if it provides an AI overview) or ChatGPT. The reason is that large language AI engines typically have access to most of the information available on the internet and are trained to give a succinct summary of the available data or information. Where used in my articles I have found the AI engines to give a pretty good average of statistical data from both liberal and conservative sources.


1. Google: economic schools of thought
Should provide an AI summary